Resurfaced: Beverly Boulevard
This visit to L.A. has exceeded my expectations. I’ve spent time with family and friends as well as had time to work creatively and emotionally. So much has changed now that I no longer feel as emotionally connected to Los Angeles as before. The city has moved on and so must I.
My chronically aching joints have certainly enjoyed the unseasonably sunny, toasty weather. Especially during my long walks. In the last two days alone, I’ve traversed just shy of 40km of concrete and asphalt. Like so many other megacities I’ve had the privilege of walking in, L.A. turned out to be a lot more walkable than what all the traffic here will have you believe.
The urban treks have taken me to most of my old stomping grounds, places where I spent significant time as a child and young teenager. And while my initial mindset was arguably a bit too nostalgic, the journey also provided about a dozen new artifacts for the Resurfaced project. Some of which will definitely make it into the permanent collection. I’m still open to discovering new pieces, but if I don’t, these new additions from my old hometown will bookend the project nicely.