Still a bit jet-lagged. So, after only a few hours of solid sleep, I got up at 6:40, slipped on my wetsuit, boots, gloves, the GoPro armband case, waxed my board and then walked a few hundred feet into the Pacific to catch a few waves as the sun rose. The ocean was surprisingly warm – but I’m still happy I brought the gloves, hat and boots. It’s not that warm. The shot of me from this morning was taken by Fredrik Jönsson (using my old camera, though!).
My buddy and local assistant David has been hard at work booking models and makeup artists for the week’s shoots and film projects. We’ve been scouting for a few new locations today and settled for a stretch of the beach just north of the Santa Monica Pier and right off of PCH. Good spot for parking, prepping and production.
After scheduling and scouting, I walked back to Venice and shot about an hour’s worth of landscape footage and a handful of still images.