Autumn fashion shoot

Yesterday, I had a short fashion shoot for Pello Bello with my favorite model Tora in one of my favorite places here in Västra Hamnen, the small park with alleys of trees adjacent to Ribersborg Beach.

Now, what made the gig so unique and therefore noteworthy (blog worthy) is that I shot it entirely with the Leica Q. Man, the vibrancy coming out of that camera is astonishing. Very little color correction needed. Only a very few of the motion frames demanded a tad of High Pass sharpening. Most images were shot at 1/30s, f/2.8 and ISO 100.

Just as we finished yesterday’s shoot, it started pouring again. Like the summer, the autumn of 2017 will likely be remembered for its immense precipitation and downright dreary weather. In fact, the whole year seems to have been rainy with only a negligible amount of consecutive days with warm temperatures and sunshine. Which clearly feels like we’ve got some really bad karma going on here in southern Scandinavia… Or, at the very least we’re being meteorologically punished by whoever’s in charge. Especially when you consider how many months we have ahead of us with the usual DDR-esque winter weather.

On a lighter, more positive note, my morning Yoga routine and thrice weekly yoga class is certainly keeping me in shape. And recently, I’ve begun a journey into the world of Qi Gong. After so many years of running, working out in the gym and all kinds of group exercise classes, it feels really good to have found a new, less complicated way to create balance between body and mind. Un-complicating life is a mantra definitely worth pursuing.