
Cows in Vejbystrand

I have more than enough photos of cows munching grass and simply calling out to them on the meadow hasn’t helped grab their attention at all. So, I devised a slightly different strategy, realizing that I had to befriend them somehow. Cows might not be the animal kingdom’s smartest mammal, but they surely know that I don’t belong to their tribe.

A month or so ago, I came up with an idea. I played a string of sound effects of cows mooing and calling out through my iPhone’s tiny speakers. Low and behold, the whole crew would not only look up from their grass munching, but a few of the boldest ones would also walk towards me, possibly thinking that in fact, I was one of them after all – just a little different. My strategy is the same as what some birdies do when they use a whistle or hunters when they employ horny moose calls. And with a few slices of apple with me, I literally have the cows in Vejbystrand eating out of my hand.